AVP, streaming video platform for doctors and biotech specialists
Thanks to the collaboration between Archibuzz, Onions and Wimlabs, a platform of Media Asset Management (MAM) designed to meet the needs of Human Brain Wave Srl, an Italian start-up that approached the world of Biotech with an absolutely innovative product.
"Working in the communication field today, means being subjected to the challenges of modernity in addition to those of customers" - Alessandro Icardi - Onions.
The platform was created to allow and encourage collaboration between several “actors” (doctors, specialists and other professionals) in the management of requests for intervention, sharing, moderation and also publishing videos and photos, both in public and private areas. All this has been possible thanks to appropriate extensions of the AVP platform and to the collaboration between the partners of this project.
The main characteristics:
- usability of the application guaranteed in any context, from meeting rooms to operating rooms;
- simultaneous presence of multiple roles operating on the platform (doctors, specialists, administrators), characterized by a personalized profile;
- the need to connect medical professionals through a tool, is simple to use but at the same time full of functionality;
- the possibility to create remote collaborations, manage requests for intervention, create private areas of document exchanges, video moderation…
The AVP platform is available in many other sectors as well: in the field of marketing, distance training, entertainment, social and all those areas where you need a professional use of content.
tags: sviluppo web