
Web development with Drupal 8 Layout Builder: news for who do web marketing on Drupal sites

Drupal 8.7, the latest version of the CMS, has just been released to meet the needs of the world of web marketing and website management, thanks to a user friendly system and the new Layout Builder.

There are some news from the world of web marketing, copywriting and website development: Drupal has just released its latest version, Drupal 8.7, designed to meet the needs of content creators. The CMS - which has always stood out for its backend functionality and flexibility towards API integrations - allows you to intervene on content in a simple and intuitive way, thanks to the new Layout Builder
You will no longer need to contact a developer for this kind of changes because they can be made directly by the site operators through a user friendly system.

The Layout Builder is the heart of the web development innovation with Drupal: this tool allows you to design and modify layout elements with a simple "drag-and-drop", as shown in the video below. By moving and releasing the various blocks of content, even non-developers can intervene on the interface of the site. The web pages may be modified simultaneously with the decisions taken in the context of web marketing or content. You will be able to evaluate in advance the changes made. In addition, among the innovations of the new Layout Builder, more complex features are added, such as the support to the management of workflows through granular control and sending notifications.

The managers of more articulated sites will be able to optimize the working times, thanks to an innovative template editing system, the novelty of the latest version of Drupal web development. The Layout Template Editor realizes the possibility to modify simultaneously a group of pages, intervening on their structure without affecting the different individual contents. Accessibility is another element that we find in this latest update of the CMS: an aspect that has been close to the heart for some time now to Dries Buytaert, founder of the platform. The entire system is also accessible from the keyboard and has been designed taking into account the experience of marketers, copywriters and web site managers with particular needs in terms of accessibility.


For media management, a Media Library has been developed: a pop-up window that allows you to easily insert images and videos into a web page. The updates also covered the more technical component, helping to improve its speed and background functions. Finally, even the CMS UI administration, after having remained almost completely unchanged for about 10 years, is currently undergoing renovation.

Those who wish to update their website with version 8.7 of Drupal or are interested in web development with Drupal can contact us by filling the form on our website.